Scardova Characters – Update 1

I started playing in a new 5E campaign run by one of my friends, and dug around in my minis box for characters for some of the other players.  So far faces only, plus an undercoat for some metallics.  The characters are members of an organization nicknamed “The Browncloaks,” so I gave them each a nice brown color on a prominent field – though neither of these miniatures actually has a cloak.

J’s dwarven cleric, played by “Aldon Oathkeeper – Paladin”, Stonehaven Miniatures

This guy has the trait “Impeccable Hair” – unfortunately this miniature is partially bald, but I will make sure to make his beard amazing.


Next up is E’s human paladin, played by “Duke Gerard” from Reaper Miniatures (Bones).  He’s supposed to be older, so I have him salt-and-pepper hair and wrinkles.  The forehead wrinkles look okay, but the other ones seem kind of weird.


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