Current WIPs

Lots of stuff going on that I haven’t posted about, mostly because I’m bad at posting regularly.

Major project at the moment is my Satyxis pirates.  There are 40 of them and I really should have done them in smaller batches.  Here is a sample:

And an objective for them to fight over (almost done, just needs some shading)

A Raging Heroes sorceress I’ve had on the shelf of shame for several years now.  I finally did her NMM, the part that was intimidating me.  I used Reaper’s NMM triad.  Her crown and some parts of the staff were already basecoated in a different gold color, maybe Buckskin Pale.

Breachstorm Zhren’thrar, also finished up gold NMM on them.  They are also getting very close to done.

I used GW’s new Blood Angel Red Contrast paint on both Vlad2 and Drago.  Vlad2 got completed over the weekend, so here’s Drago with one coat of contrast paint over a zenithal prime.

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