Asphyxious 1

My favorite nickname in the Warmachine universe is “Gaspy.” I suspect that no one in that universe dares call him that, though.

The Iron Lich bits are painted the same color as the Cryx ‘jacks: Martian Green. Glowy bits are P3 Green Ink and Secret Weapon Fallout wash. Taking inspiration from the studio paint job and the Martian Green color, I painted his robes Nightshade Purple/Black Green and highlighted with S75 Sunset Purple and Reptilian Green.

He’s not a pirate, but he gets a plank base to fit in with the rest of the crew. 3d printed the boards.

Axiara Wraithblade

A fight between “make her look nice” and “I still have 25 more after her.”

Satyxis (in general) are:
Skin: Red Shadow/Bright Skin Shadow/Bright Skin
Blue: Clear Blue, Indigo Black/Aquamarine Blue
Green: Clear Green. Not sure what I used for highlight/shade
Horns: Walnut Brown/Ruddy Leather/Oiled Leather
Leather: Walnut Brown/Ruddy Leather/Oiled Leather/Burnt Orange
Mix of metallics