Dwarf Barbarian

from Artisan Guild AMAZONS! Kickstarter, a 3d printed female dwarf barbarian

Mostly painted with Citadel Contrast paint to see if I could get the layer lines to show up, and to see if there was a visible difference between 50 microns and 20 microns on an Elegoo Mars (there wasn’t). This is the 50 micron version.

Barbarian Force Four

Some barbarians for an upcoming RPG session.  I decided to be a little more creative than brown, brown, brown and brown.

From left to right: Kingdom Death Lion Armor, 02476: Lorna the Huntress, 77055 Anval Thricedamned and 02528: Kara, Female Archer.  I was going to go all Reaper, but realized I actually don’t have that many male barbarian minis.