Satyxis Gunslingers

I love these sculpts.  All very unique, sassy poses, perfect for flamboyant colors.  These are the same colors as Severa Blacktide, because she is named Gunslinger character.

MSP Clear Purple 2:1 MSP Clear Magenta for the coats, Clear Magenta for the chest and head pieces.  Clear blue for the pirate pants.  Chainmail Silver for the chainmail, Radiant Platinum for the rest of the steel metals.  Red Shadow/Bright Skin Triad for the skin, Oiled Leather triad for leader and horns, except horns go to P3 khaki something instead of burnt orange.

And here they are with the boss-lady, Severa Blacktide.

[WIP] Satyxis Blood Witches

Not a WIP in my normal sense – I’ve decided that rather than be intimidated by painting 10 at once I will paint them one at a time, which will be more enjoyable for me. I also painted up the Hag because she was fun to do.




The regulars are magnetized to their bases so they can be Witch Elves if they want to be.  I 3D printed some 25mm bases that their CMON toppers fit into.

Axiara Wraithblade

A fight between “make her look nice” and “I still have 25 more after her.”

Satyxis (in general) are:
Skin: Red Shadow/Bright Skin Shadow/Bright Skin
Blue: Clear Blue, Indigo Black/Aquamarine Blue
Green: Clear Green. Not sure what I used for highlight/shade
Horns: Walnut Brown/Ruddy Leather/Oiled Leather
Leather: Walnut Brown/Ruddy Leather/Oiled Leather/Burnt Orange
Mix of metallics